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Comparison of Facility User Insurance Programs (2024)

Instant Risk Coverage & Lloyds
Sheppard Ashmore & Everest
Markel & All Sport
GameDay or SUM & AVIVA
Duuo & Cooperators
Coverage Limits
$2,000,000 or $5,000,000
$2,000,000 or $5,000,000
$2,000,000 or $5,000,000
$2,000,000 or $5,000,000
*All policies are occurrence-based with an annual Aggregate.
Self-Insured Retention or Deductible
$1,500 SIR
$500 DED
Varies $1,000 to $1,500 DED
Option $0 to $500 DED
$0 DED
*No deductible or a low deductible promotes small or false claims and eventually causes higher rates. IRC has a self-insured retention which makes the renter responsible for the first $1,500 of a claim, this helps avoid frivolous claims.
Will allow various liability limits for various activities
*IRC allows you to choose different limits for different activities. This gives Facility Operators the flexibility, of $2MM for meetings & low sport risks and $5MM for events and higher-risk sports.
First Named Insured – Municipality or Facility Owner/Manager
*Municipalities and Facility owners that hold the master policy as the “Additional Insured”, are not compliant with the Insurance Act. IRC wording has the Municipality or Facility owner as the First Named Insured, and the renters as Named Insureds. It also meets the Insurance Act, by providing the mandatory full copy of the wording with their certificate issued to the renters.
Named Insured – Facility User / Event Organizer
Yes, but only for hosting an event
*Duuo limit this liability to hosting operations only. Claims can fall outside this limited definition of operations.
Waiver of Subrogation in favour of the municipality
*By IRC having the Facility Owner as First Named Insured and Renter as Named Insured the policy acts similar to a wrap-up, preventing subrogation. Without this, the Additional Insured (Facility Owner) can still be subrogated after a loss if the Named Insured is not considered 100% negligent.
Other Named Insureds
Employees, Volunteers, Directors, Executive Officers, Officials, Coaches, Organizers, Members, Participants
Employees, Volunteers, Directors, Executive Officers, Spouses
Employees, Directors, & Volunteers, Coaches, Referees members but only if sanctioned event
Employees, Volunteers, Officials, Coaches, Organizers, Members, Participants
Employees, Volunteers, Directors, Executive Officers, Spouses
*Everest and Duuo policies lack the proper language for sports and have the participants only as Additional Insureds. Markel limits the Additional Insureds coverage to only sanctioned events, so renters must have sanctioning rules in place.
Additional Insured Coverage
Yes, for those added such as police, Regions, etc.
The Municipality and Others as requested
The Municipality and Others as requested
The Municipality
The Municipality as long as the entire event is on their property or in their building
*Coverage is only in relation to Named Insured’s operations. If the Facility Owner were to be found even 1% liable (which could be easily done under the Owners & Landlords Act) then subrogation can occur after judgment.
Volunteers as Additional Insureds
Yes automatic
Yes automatic
Yes automatic
Yes automatic
*DUUO has a very limited definition of what the volunteers are covered for, it is only your liability for hosting an event.
Sponsors automatically added as Additional Insureds
*Important as most sponsor contracts require to be added as Additional Insureds.
Full coverage for Third Party that is an Additional Insured
No, defence only if under an Insured Contract
No, defence only if under an Insured Contract
No, defence only if under an Insured Contract
*Since the agreement with a municipality is standard wording under an Insured Contract, the municipality can find its coverage limited to defence only.
Blanket Vendor Coverage
Yes – purchased by endorsement
Yes – upon special request but only for limited operations.
*This coverage makes it easier for the organizer since everyone is covered under one policy and they do not have to collect certificates from each Vendor assuring they add both the Organizer and whom the organizer has committed to under contract to provide Additional Insured Coverage. Duuo will provide, but limits the coverage and doesn’t offer it online.
Medical Payments – Broad Form
$25,000 per person – includes Broad Form Definition including participants
$10,000 per person Volunteers only, excludes participants
$10,000 per person Volunteers & Third Parties and volunteers, excluding any Sport Activities
$10,000 per person Volunteers & Third Parties, excludes participants
$10,000 per person Volunteers only, excludes participants
*IRC’s Broad Form coverage picks-up participants including coaches, managers, volunteers, and Third Parties. This allows the Insurance Company to mitigate small injury claims. Markel specifically excludes all sports activities.
Contingent Liquor Liability
Yes, is offered as an option
No, liquor license must be in policy holders name
*IRC offers contingent liquor liability as an option, should the organizer or renter wish to purchase additional insurance limits over who is holding the liquor license (i.e.: the caterer or facility operator)
Liquor Liability
Yes – includes Broad Form and forceable ejection. Smart Serve or other training Warrantee
Sits silent
Yes – Host liquor only, and excludes if you fail to provide transportation assistance
Yes – Host liquor only
Yes – Host liquor only. But excludes forceable ejection & Not available if it is a sporting event of any kind
*IRC’s Broad Form includes the selling of alcohol not just gifting of alcohol. It also provides full forceable ejection limits. Sitting silent does not mean there is coverage. There would be an obligation to provide defence but it would be on a without prejudice basis, until there is a coverage opinion. This could lead to a claim denial. Duuo do not offer if it is a sport event. Markel excludes selling liquor.
Advertising Liability & Personal Injury
Yes - sub-limited
*Personal Injury arising out of an advertising campaign is excluded by most facility user programs.
Completed Operations Broad Form
*Excluded under the Duuo and Markel coverage.
Products under the products & completed operations form
*If coverage is extended to Vendors that the coverage must include Products they are selling, and their operations away from their permanent place of operation. IRC is the only one with the extension when Blanket Vendor is purchased.
Broad Form Bodily Injury definition
Yes – includes not only the playing service but dressing rooms
No – Excludes Bodily Injury to Participants. Also limits coverage excludes Bodily Injury caused to a member (participant), volunteer, coach, referee, if caused by an Insured.

No, specifically excludes athletics including practicing, instructing or participating in any athletic event or exercise, competition, games, or sports.

Excludes any Bodily Injury to the Volunteers

*If there is not a Broad Form Bodily Injury Definition it excludes intended or expected injury from the standpoint of the Insured (contact between participant to participant). Since it is standard for sports and other events to have waivers signed, it allows the Insurers to use those waivers to state the bodily injury was expected and they then exclude the claim. IRC is the only one offering this broader coverage which picks up participant to participant claims. Markel further excludes any BI caused by one Insured to another.
Assault Coverage included
Yes for municipality & All Insureds (with the exception of the individual charged with assault (Criminal Act)
No, excludes intentional and Expected Injury & Criminal Act
No, excludes intentional and Expected Injury and Criminal Act.
No, excludes intentional and Expected Injury
No, excludes intentional injury & Criminal Act
*Sport events are heated and sometimes a player will accuse another of assault (criminal charge). The policy should provide defense to the player until they are found guilty, and since the organization or the municipality will be named in the legal action, it should continue to defend those parties. Without this coverage there is no obligation to the insurer to respond. IRC is the only one offering this broader coverage.
Broad Form Property Damage
Yes - except assumed under contract
Yes- except assumed under contract
No - excludes expected or intended and assumed under Contract
*There should be no limitations on Property Damage to assure you have the correct protection.
Cross Liability – separation of Insureds
*All offer this coverage as part of the venue owners requirements.
Tenant Legal LiabilityBroad Form
*IRC can offer up to $5,000,000 limit, while others only offer $1,000,000 TLL.
Non-owned Automobile
*Event organizers often rent vehicles and liability should be extended to include short term leases. Additionally, non-profit and sport organizations use volunteers who use their own vehicles, this coverage allows the GL to act as excess to their own insurance should an accident occur where they have exhausted their own automobile limits of insurance
Physical Damage to Non-owned Automobile
Yes – available at limits of $25,000, $50,000 or $100,000 All Perils
*On short term rentals, or vehicles gifted for events, often the organizer is responsible for the Physical Damage of the short-term rental.
*This is coverage that would be acquired separately by a group and requires an application and various management policies in place. It is not typically requested under rental agreements.
Cancelation Clause
60 days
30 days
30 days
30 days
30 days
*Cancelation of insurance at the request of the Insurance Company other than for non-payment which is 15 days.
Standard Policy Exclusions (war, data, nuclear war, radiation, fungi & mold, Asbestos, communicable disease)
*These are standard exclusions in North America on all policies.
Pollution Coverage
*These are standard exclusions in North America on all policies.
Professional Liability Coverage
*If you have professionals like doctors or ambulance services, make sure they carry Errors and Omissions for their services. You can not be added to their policy, but should make sure they provide proof of their insurance. This coverage is not available under Facility User Programs.
Incidental Medical Mal-practise Coverage
*Required for events and sports, since often non-professionals provide the first acts of CPR or trauma treatment when someone is injured.
Known Actions prior to coverage for Bodily Injury or Property Damage
Yes - only Insured
Yes - only Insured
Yes - Insured & Employees
Yes - Insured & Employees
Yes - Insured, Employees, or volunteers
*Coverage can be declined for prior knowledge of a claim. It should be limited to the Named Insured only as employees or volunteers may not share the information with the Insured.
Property Damage to property in your care, custody, and control
Yes, but only if assumed under contract
*Only IRC can offer this.
Mobile Equipment
*Coverage for mobile equipment you may rent that is not licensed for the road. For example a golf cart, tractor, etc.
Additional Extensions
Includes set up & tear down for event without charge
*IRC only charges for the time rented and automatically extends coverage for set-up and tear-down without a premium charge.
Excluded Activities

Amusement Rides (Carnivals) Boxing, Rugby, UFC, Gymnastics, Motor Sports, Overnight Camps, Professional Sports, Trampolines.

Has the ability to expand offering to new sports when requested.

All Contact Sports, Extreme Sports, All Snow Sports, BMX Biking, Gymnastics, Inflatables, Shooting, Trampolines, Football, Rugby, Professional Sports.

Higher risk sports on an underwriter acceptance only

All Contact Sports, Extreme Sports, All Snow Sports, BMX Biking, Gymnastics, Boxing, Shooting, Trampolines, Football, Rugby, Professional Sports.
All Contact Sports including Hockey, Boxing, Skiing, Snowboarding, Gymnastics, Football, Rugby, Hockey, Martial Arts, BMX biking, All Snow Sports, Lacrosse, motor sports, Professional Sports, Equine, Overnight Camps, Inflatables, Trampolines, Vendors selling products & food, Shared kitchens/ cooking facilities.
All Athletic contents, sports, and practices. Animal rides, Amusement Rides, Archery, Axe-throwing, Boxing, Canoeing, Competitive Driving, Cheerleading, Extreme Sports, Equine, Gymnastics, Inflatables, All Snow Sports, Motor Sports, Kayaking, Sailing, BMX Biking, All Martial Arts, Tobogganing, Trampolines, Wrestling, Unsupervised Water Activities, Water Polo

It is important to have an Insurer that is flexible with the sports and events required to be insured. If they cannot add the coverage for the event you are renting your facility for, then it prejudices one of your clients in obtaining coverage at a reduced rating structure facility user programs are known for within Canada.

While all the markets do have sports or activities that they do not insurer for any reason, it is important to work with an insurer who will insure most of your activities and work toward adding those required by your facilities or renters.

Additionally, if the Bodily Injury excludes expected or intended injury, this leaves it wide open for an Insurer to decline coverage. Using a waiver reinforces this fact, as most participants acknowledge they can be seriously injured.

Online Portal Quoting & Binding
Yes, but not for all activities & events
Yes, but not for all activities & events
*Simple processes are what rental customers want
Facility Workflow Plug-In
*IRC is the only partner who can plug in fully with most facilities.
One-line Policy Issuance
*The policy issuance process should be easy, allowing not only the policy to be issued immediately and paid for on-line
Additional Information and Risk Management through a client (renter) portal
*The clients should have access to their own client history showing purchases and quotes, as well as risk management information, claims reporting information, examples of waivers, etc.
Automatic Notifications
*This allows the Municipality to match the certificate of insurance with the rental contract number. They are automatically notified upon a policy being issued and the reference is tied to the contract number. Less Administration for the municipality
Collection of Premium through a portal
No – Done through the rental agreement which is against the Insurance Act
No & Also often done through the rental agreement which is against the Insurance Act
Yes, but limited on type of event & number of people
*Municipalities should not be collecting premiums through the rental agreement. This is against the Insurance Act and can give the appearance they are acting as a broker. Additionally, the municipality programs offering them their E&O exclude insurance and advice on insurance, who they are exposed to an uncovered claim
Payment Types
Credit, Debit, EFT, Apple Pay, Google Pay, EWallets, American Express, Buy Now, Pay Later
*IRC allows access payment types from all over the world.
Built-in Premium Financing
*IRC is the only parter who offers renters the ability to finance premium.
Full Refundable
*IRC is the only partner who allows refunds in full up until the event.
Insurance Advice
Yes – questions go to the Broker licensed to deal with the client. Plus FAQ in portal
Yes – answered through the portal and by phone call. Portal is run by a licensed Broker
No- questions are answered via the municipality posing answers & the brokers contact information
No- questions are answered via the municipality posing answers & the brokers contact information
Yes – portal has an FAQ
*Insurance coverage questions should always be answered by a licensed broker, or at the very least come via the brokers web-site. This is compliant with the Insurance Act
Online help with questions or technology in the buying process
*IRC is the only partner with 24 hour support all based here in Canada. By 1-800, email, and support chat.
Automatic checking against the watch list (Terrorism & Money Laundering Act)
Yes – each name is run against the current list before purchase
No – done by the Insurance Company after reporting bound clients
No – done by the Insurance Company after reporting bound clients
*This is a requirement under the Insurance Act, the Money Laundering Act & Terrorism Act. It is to be performed prior to binding insurance coverage.

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